Friday, March 6, 2009

Skip's Beer Pong and Uconn basketball

Skip's Beer Pong, hosted it's first party Wednesday night at Ted's. The giveaway was a Port-O-Pong, which is a floating beer pong device for pool or pond use - pond would be good for you - which everyone could buy $1 raffle tickets for. Seems fair enough, ey? Well, not fair enough for Gavin Edwards. Edwards repeatedly refused to purchase a ticket and instead asked for a free one, saying he didn't have a dollar. This defiance angered a drunken KJ, who demanded that "as a scholarship athlete you get to go to school for free. Now help me pay my goddamn tuition!" This led to a string of expletives directed at Edwards after Jim Nantz popped up out of nowhere and mentioned that, "you know, his father Earl played in the NFL."

Normally we are a little tough on womens basketball here at the dotcom. However, lots of respect to the lady Huskies Meghan Gardler. She bought a whopping 5 tickets, and that karma served her well, as she won the raffle. Conspiracy theorists like myself are positing that the raffle was rigged due to the close relationship between KJ and Geno. Glad to see Meghan win the Port-o-pong, after all - who wouldn't want to get wet with the lovely Gardler?? Furthermore, her profile on the Uconn Website describes her as, "..a great ball-handler." giddy up!

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